self love is freedom

How to Choose Joy Daily in 11 Easy Steps

I once heard on a podcast that joy is a daily choice. At the time, I swatted away the notion as if it were a pesky fly.

My attitude was mostly due to how miserable I felt at that time in my life. I was unhappy in my current relationship with my then-fiance and the father of my son. My radio, writing, and blogging career had tanked after I landed in the NICU due to a subarachnoid brain hemorrhage. I was losing my mind as a stay-at-home mom with little time to write and no friends and family nearby. And I felt guilty AF for it.

self love is freedom

Until one day I felt sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I wanted to choose joy! 

I jumped out of bed before my son, Evan, arose and jotted down the daily steps I’d take every day to choose joy. I committed myself to feeling happy and fulfilled despite my circumstances. And I haven’t looked back since. 

What did I write down that has mostly led to a life of happiness and fulfillment? I’m sharing it with you right now! Here’s how to choose joy in 11 easy steps.

Did you know that smiling helps reduce and fight stress? That’s because according to Psychology Today, our brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides when we smile. Other “feel good” chemicals like dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin are also released when we smile. This is why you should start your day with a smile to find your joy! 

If you don’t think you have anything in your present moment to smile about, choose a happy memory to replay as soon as you wake up.

Take stock! There is always something to be grateful for. If you find this challenging, start with something small. Say thank you to your body, if you’re healthy. Or find gratitude in friendships, even if it is just the one. 

Finding things to be grateful for keeps us focused on the present moment. This very thing will help you choose joy daily.

You don’t have to take on experiencing happiness like a hurricane! Just choose one thing to do every day that will help you feel better, even if it’s just smiling or laughing tons (more on that next.) The goal is to start. Don’t let the idea of being joyful intimidate you or keep you stuck!

Oh, how I love to laugh! Not only does it make you smile (and I covered the benefits of smiling already), but it just feels good. Especially when you need it.

how to choose joy

Every day find something to laugh about. There are so many funny meme and gifs sites and Instagram and TikTok accounts. I choose to laugh every night before bed by watching one of my favorite comedies on Hulu, How I Met Your Mother. Because a belly laugh is an amazing way to end the night! 

Start a hobby that makes you happy. To do so, write a list of everything you enjoy. Whether it’s sports, writing, or knitting, occupying your mind with activities that feel good will uplift your mood. 

I choose to journal every night. I write to God and also write in my “living as if” journal. More on that next!

My “living as if” journal gives me life! It’s a law of assumption manifestation technique. You simply write in a journal as if you’re already living the life you desire. In this diary, let your imagination run wild! 

Go into detail. Talk about your amazing relationship and career. Flip whatever you feel that is keeping you stuck. Do this every night. If you need a boost throughout the day, reread your entries or recite affirmations. (Yes, that is next!) 

If you study the law of assumption or attraction, you’ve heard of affirmations. When we repeat affirmations, our minds create new neuropathways that allow us to step into a new state of consciousness. 

And trust me, it works! I went from feeling insecure and unworthy to feeling invaluable and unforgettable. My internal shift now reflects in my reality at work and in my relationships. 

Where I struggled to love myself before, I now show up as confident. I step into a room – even the grocery store – feeling myself. I choose joy every day because I desire it! 

Don’t know what affirmations to recite? My self-concept affirmations guide will help – and they’re free!

You can also simply say, “I am full of joy!” or “I am joyful!” every day. 

You see that beautiful mind of yours? It has a lot of power. Your dominant thought create your reality and can hold you back from experiencing an amazing life. 

RELATED: 11 Thoughts That Hold You Back from Your Dream Life

When you are spiraling, recite an affirmation. My self-concept affirmations guide will teach you what to say specifically in those moments. The more you stop yourself from dwelling the easier it will become to be happy. 

Close your eyes in child-like wonder and daydream! Daydreaming, or visualizing, is another law of assumption technique. This helps you enter into a new version of yourself that has a fulfilling life.

You can daydream at any point of the day. Well, as long as you’re not handling heavy machinery! You don’t even have to close your eyes. 

Zone out for a moment. Stop what you’re doing even right now and think of a visual that makes you happy. I recommend creating a new visualization that you repeat versus using a past memory. Memories can feel good, of course, but replaying them can keep us stuck. And we want to get unstuck and remain in the present moment! 

When you’re done, take stock of how you feel. Did you smile? Did your eyes well up with happy tears? Good. Go back to this visual every time you need a boost of joy. 

You will have days when you feel crappy – and that is okay! As you walk this journey to choose joy every day, you will have ups and downs. When you do, tell yourself that you are human. You are having a human experience! You don’t have to be perfect. 

Let it out. Feel it for an hour or two. Then move on. Use the strategies above to shake any feelings of sadness, anger, or frustration from out of your system. 

This one is fun and something I decided to do recently. On a sheet of paper, write down all the new things you want to try. Like a bucket list, of sorts. Rip up the pieces of paper and stuff them inside a jar. Pick out one piece of paper every time you need a kick of joy! 

Your joy bucket list doesn’t have to be anything crazy, like jumping out of an airplane. But if that’s your thing, go for it! Just write down things you can do to make you happy. 

For example, I really love music and going to concerts. However, the old version of myself would choose not to spend money on concerts because I had a “lack” money mindset. Today, I claim that I am rich and famous! That I have so much money I need a damn vault to keep it safe. 

And guess what? I’ve gone to 3 concerts in the last year: Bad Bunny, Marc Anthony, and Beyonce. The tickets were not cheap but I did not care because I am so damn abundant. I always have money to spare and never have to worry. (And because I claim this every day, it has now become my reality). 

I am attending my next concert (Karol G)  in two weeks. Because it brings me joy! I also have smaller things on my joy bucket list, like writing and blogging. Hence, my launching Your Self Love Advocate! 

So, you see: choosing joy every day is actually very easy. You just have to take a step toward your happiness. Do it. I dare you!

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